Vacation Mode

Going on vacation? No problem, use vacation mode:

When Vacation Mode is on, customers will not be able to make purchases from you, and your listings won't be shown within their respective marketplaces.

Note: your existing auctions will continue to run until they expire.

How to turn Vacation Mode On/Off (computer)

  1. Sign into (not available on app yet)

  2. Go to your Seller Dashboard

  3. Scroll down to 'Vacation Mode'

  4. Turn Vacation Mode On or Off

How to turn Vacation Mode On/Off (mobile website)

  1. Sign into (not available on app yet)

  2. Go to your Seller Dashboard

  3. Tap 'Listings' to open dropdown menu

  4. Scroll down and tap 'Vacation Mode'

  5. Turn Vacation Mode On or Off

Last updated