How do I convert listings from one type to another?

You can convert listings from one type to another from the web browser only.

Convert an expired Auction to a Buy Now

  • From the web browser only, go to Seller Dashboard -> Listings -> Expired tab

  • Select the expired listing you want to convert by clicking the circle on the left of your listing

  • Tap the 'Convert to Buy Now' button at the bottom of the screen

  • Make any edits to Title, Description, Price, Tags, etc. -> Tap 'Post Item' to list

Convert a Buy Now to Live Auction

  • From the web browser only, go to Seller Dashboard -> Listings -> Buy Now tab

  • Select the listing you want to convert by clicking the circle on the left of your listing

  • Tap the 'Convert to Auction' button at the bottom of the screen

  • Make any edits to Title, Description, & Price -> confirm 'Only Available For Live' is turned ON -> Select live auction duration (15 sec, 30 sec, 60 sec, etc.)

  • Confirm shipping settings, visibility, tags, etc. -> Tap 'Post Item' to list

Convert a Buy Now to Multi-Day Auction

  • From the web browser only, go to Seller Dashboard -> Listings -> Buy Now tab

  • Select the listing you want to convert by clicking the circle on the left of your listing

  • Tap the 'Convert to Auction' button at the bottom of the screen

  • Make any edits to Title, Description, & Price -> confirm 'Only Available For Live' is turned OFF -> Set auction Start Time & End Time

  • Confirm shipping settings, visibility, tags, etc. -> Tap 'Post Item to list'

Make sure to double check your price when converting listings.

Last updated