Listing Buy Now Items

You can create a Buy Now listing from the website or iOS App.


  1. Go to your Seller Dashboard

  2. Tap 'New Listing' / 'List Item'

  3. Select 'Buy Now' or 'Buy Now with Offers' if you would like to allow offers.

  4. Add Images and/or Videos

    • You can rearrange photos by pressing on an image and dragging it to your desired order.

  5. Provide listing details:

  • Item Name

  • Description

  • Price

  • Quantity

    • Add Variants (optional)

  • Shipping (Fulfillment)

  • Collections:

    • Select which collection(s) your item will be listed under. Collections are created by the marketplace owner.

  • Visibility:

    • You can choose to make your listing private. A private listing will be hidden from the marketplace. You can later edit the listing to make it public, or you can keep it private and share it via a link with a specific user through DM or add it to a live.

  • Earnings Calculator:

    • View a breakdown of fees and see what you'll earn as the seller.

  1. Publish Listing!


  • If you are a seller in multiple marketplaces, you can control which marketplace you are listing in by tapping the marketplace name at the top of the listing flow.

  • You can change the listing type by tapping the name of the listing type in the top left and selecting a different type. Note that listings can only be converted via the website for now (see the conversion guide).

Last updated