Listing Buy Now Items
You can create a Buy Now listing from the website or iOS App.
Go to your Seller Dashboard (web or iOS App)
Tap 'New Listing' / 'List Item'
Select 'Buy Now' or 'Buy Now with Offers' if you would like to allow offers.
Add Images and/or Videos
You can rearrange photos by pressing on an image and dragging it to your desired order.
Provide listing details:
Item Name
Add Variants (optional)
Shipping (Fulfillment)
Select which collection(s) your item will be listed under. Collections are created by the marketplace owner.
You can choose to make your listing private. A private listing will be hidden from the marketplace. You can later edit the listing to make it public, or you can keep it private and share it via a link with a specific user through DM or add it to a live.
Earnings Calculator:
View a breakdown of fees and see what you'll earn as the seller.
Publish Listing!
If you are a seller in multiple marketplaces, you can control which marketplace you are listing in by tapping the marketplace name at the top of the listing flow.
You can change the listing type by tapping the name of the listing type in the top left and selecting a different type. Note that listings can only be converted via the website for now (see the conversion guide).
Last updated