Listing a Live Auction

You can create a Live Auction listing from the mobile app or web browser


  • Go to your Seller Dashboard -> Click 'List Item' -> Select 'Auction'

  • Add listing images:

    • If you're on the mobile app, take a photo or upload one from your camera roll. If you're using a web browser, tap the plus sign and upload images (maximum 5)

    • Tap the plus sign to add more photos. You can rearrange photos by pressing on an image and dragging it to your desired order.

  • Provide listing details:

    • Item Name

    • Description

    • Variants (optional)

    • Starting Price

    • Set 'Only Available For Live' to ON

    • Pre-Bids: turn this on if you want buyers to be able to bid on items before the livestream. Check out our pre-bid guide for more details.

    • Select Auction Duration: 60 sec, 30 sec, 20 sec, 15 sec, 10 sec.

    • Visibility: Decide which marketplace your listing is posted in.

    • Tags: select which marketplace tags apply to your listing. This determines which categories your listing will be displayed within the marketplace

    • Earnings Calculator: View the breakdown of fees and what you'll earn as the seller.

  • List your item!

Listing an auction that is "only available for live" does not auatomatically load it into your scheduled livestream. You will still need to pre-load you listings into your scheduled live. Need help? View the pre-load guide.

Last updated