Early Payouts
The Early Payout Program allows sellers who have had at least 1,000 trusted orders/sales on District to receive their payouts just one business day after their sale, instead of the standard policy of 48-hours after delivery confirmation.
Early Payouts Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for the Early Payout Program, sellers must meet the following criteria:
Complete a minimum of 1,000 sales on District
Have less than three (3) unresolved Seller Strikes due to non-shipment, cancelled orders, or other violations of marketplace policies in the past year
Early Payouts FAQ
Q: What's the difference between the standard payout process versus early payouts? A: Standard Payout Process: Funds are released 48 hours after delivery confirmation. Early Payout Process: Once qualified for the Early Payout Program, eligible sellers will have their funds released one (1) business day after the sale.
Q: How will I know when I get approved for Early Payouts?
A: You can view your total sales on your Profile page. You also can export your sales in the seller dashboard on computer to see a line-by-line tally of your sales.
Q: What do I do once I've reached 1,000 sales?
A: Please contact District support at support@district.net with your username to request Early Payouts once eligible.
Q: Can Early Payouts be revoked?
A: Yes - if you have three (3) or more unresolved Seller Strikes in a rolling 12-month period, you can be reset to the District Standard Payout Process
Q: I have Early Payouts, but I don't see my payouts in my bank account, what do I need to do?
A: Early Payouts applies to your Wallet on District. Once payouts are available you can select "Cash Out" in your Seller Dashboard to send your Wallet funds to your bank.
Need Assistance?
If you have any questions about the Early Payout Program or your eligibility, please contact District support at support@district.net.
Last updated