Instagram Magic Comments

Connecting Instagram

This process takes about 5 minutes all-in. After you set-up, view examples of how to use magic comments towards the end of the guide.

Step 1: Confirm your Instagram is a Business Account & Connected to a Facebook Page.

If it is, you can skip to Step 3. If it’s not, please follow steps below to upgrade to an Instagram Business Account + Connect your Facebook Page.

  1. On Instagram mobile app, go to Profile and tap on the triple line icon in the top right corner of the screen

  2. Tap on "Settings"

  3. Scroll down and tap on "Account"

  4. Tap on "Switch to Professional Account"

  5. Follow the prompts and Select Business

  6. Continue with instruction to Connect your Instagram Business Account to your Facebook page (You may need to create a new Facebook page for this)

Step 2: Link your Instagram to a Facebook Page

  1. On Instagram mobile app, go to your Profile

  2. Tap on Edit Profile

  3. Tap on Page

  4. Follow instruction to link your existing page or create a new one

Step 3: Turn on Instagram's Access to Direct Messages

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap on the three lines on the top right corner of the screen

  2. Tap on "Settings" at the bottom of the menu

  3. Tap on "Privacy"

  4. Tap on "Messages"

  5. Turn on "Allow Access to Messages" to allow your bot to access your Instagram direct messages

Step 4: Complete District onboarding

  1. Navigate to Seller Tools (

  2. Tap on “Magic Comments”

  3. Tap on “Instagram” - “Connect”

  4. Follow Facebook instruction:

    1. Select Instagram Business Accounts you want to

    2. Select Page connected to that Instagram account

    3. Leave all default permissions on

  5. On District, Go back into Magic Comments → Instagram

  6. Select the page that you want to enable Magic Comments for (matches the page your Insta is connected to)

Step 5: Set Your Expiration Time

To change your expiration time, please go to the Magic Comments tab in your seller dashboard. The most common and recommended expiration time is one hour. Your expiration time is important as it determines how long someone can hold an item in their cart after they claim it. If your expiration is set to an hour, the buyer will have 1 hour to checkout (provide payment, shipping, etc.). Your listing won't be available for anyone else to purchase during this time.

How to use magic comments:

You can use Magic Comments on the app or computer. The guides below are how to post from the app. To use magic comments on your computer, follow the same steps (go to listings, scroll to this side, tap the blue icon as pictured below on the item you want to post). Also, please note that Magic Comments on Instagram are limited to 25 per day.

Magic Comments Instagram Post:

Magic Comments Instagram Story:

Last updated