
How it works

Share your listing to Twitter by tapping on the Share button at the top right corner of your listing. Tap the “Share on Twitter” button, open Twitter, and directly paste the text and image into the Create Tweet text field.

When you're composing your tweet, make sure you don't remove the "district" hashtag.

Followers who reply “#District” will claim the item and receive a personalized check-out link from you sent automatically through your Twitter Direct Messages. Here's an example DM:

The check-out link is live and the item is on hold for a period of time you specify before being released back into inventory.

Additional notes:

  1. Magic Comments are only active when included in the main tweet. Pasting magic comments inside of tweet threads won’t work.

  2. Other people will be able to tweet reply claim on another person’s retweet of your post as long as the customer follows you. However, quote tweets won’t work.

  3. In order for your customers to receive the check-out link, they must also follow you on Twitter. If they don’t, they’ll receive a reply to their tweet to follow you and claim again.

  4. If you post a Magic Comment tweet on a listing with multiple variants and include

If you have any questions, please reach out to us on District Chat or email us at

Last updated